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北理工网络空间安全学院邀请国际著名学者Rongxing Lu做关于隐私保护数据查询的学术报告

2022年9月24日上午9:00,由北京理工大学研究生院主办, 网络空间安全学院承办的“21世纪学科前沿”系列学术报告通过网络顺利举行。应网络空间安全学院祝烈煌书记的邀请,加拿大纽布伦斯威克大学计算机科学学院的 IEEE Fellow, 国际著名学者Rongxing Lu做主题为《Towards Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Interval Skyline Queries over Time Series Data》(在时间序列数据上实现高效且保护隐私的区间skyline查询)的精彩报告。




随着计算机算力和技术的快速发展,数据量急剧膨胀,数据所有者大多采用将加密时间序列数据和查询服务外包到云端,然而现有的skyline查询方案存在泄露敏感信息和效率低下等问题。本次报告聚焦skyline查询的隐私保护技术。Rongxing Lu老师首先以真实生活中的示例引出并介绍了区间skyline查询,总结了现有技术的不足。然后根据系统模型和安全模型分析技术挑战,结合对称同态加密(SHE)和过滤排序算法(SFS)等基础工作,介绍了安全排序(SS)协议和安全高维优势检查(SHDC)协议以及一种可确保安全性和效率的安全skyline计算协议。最后讲述了该方案的安全性分析和实验评估结果。


Rongxing Lu老师精彩的报告引人入胜,虽然受疫情防控的限制,报告以线上的形式举行,但仍然无法阻止师生们与Rongxing Lu老师就报告内容交流讨论的热情。通过本次学术报告,相关领域的教师和硕博研究生了解了一种新的高效且保护隐私的数据查询方案,为在该研究领域的打下了良好基础,也为从事相关研究的研究人员提供了新的思路方向。


Rongxing Lu is a Mastercard IoT Research Chair, a University Research Scholar, an associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), University of New Brunswick (UNB), Canada. Before that, he worked as an assistant professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore from April 2013 to August 2016. Rongxing Lu worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo from May 2012 to April 2013. He was awarded the most prestigious “Governor General’s Gold Medal”, when he received his PhD degree from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2012; and won the 8th IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia Pacific (AP) Outstanding Young Researcher Award, in 2013. Dr. Lu is an IEEE Fellow. His research interests include applied cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies, and IoT-Big Data security and privacy. He has published extensively in his areas of expertise. Currently, Dr. Lu serves as the Chair of IEEE ComSoc CIS-TC (Communications and Information Security Technical Committee), and the founding Co-chair of IEEE TEMS Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers Technologies Technical Committee (BDLT-TC). Dr. Lu is the Winner of 2016-17 Excellence in Teaching Award, FCS, UNB.